** First 3 Episodes are Free and the rest will be available to paid subscribers only **
Hello Everyone and welcome to the second episode of the Motivation Monday Podcast!
Imagine tuning in to a short pep talk at the start of every week to get you in the right frame of mind to tackle your goals and ease your way through the week without anxiety and procrastination.
That’s exactly what this is!
For those of you who don’t know me super well, I have been studying human behavior for over 15 years and have learned quite a bit about why we do what we do. It’s allowed me to peek into the operating system of our minds and fine tune what’s going on in there so that we can live with less chatter and distractions, and feel more confident and enthusiastic about what we’re doing in life.
If you want secrets to “hack” your mind and enhance your self-development, this is absolutely the place for you!
Each week, I’ll be releasing an episode on Monday mornings with tips and tricks to hit your week with your best foot forward
The first 3 episodes of the Motivation Monday Podcast will be available for all subscribers, and after that, future episodes will only be available to paid subscribers.
I hope you'll consider becoming a paid subscriber and joining me every Monday morning for a high energy pep talk that will keep your thoughts and energy in high vibration so you can approach your week at your best.
I hope you enjoy this FREE Episode!
Transcript below if you’d like to read instead or follow along.
Wow! Another Monday is already here. I hope that you all had a productive and fulfilling week last week!
Keep in mind that Monday has been proven to be the hardest day of the week. So if you know that, and can plan to use a little more of your energy today to “get going”, that will spark momentum, which will help carry you through the rest of the week. Remember, dreading Monday and giving resistance to the day will only make things go by slower and will not provide you with that energetic momentum to conquer the rest of the week
Just remember that things do get easier as the week goes on and you always have the weekends to look forward to.
Keep in mind, I am speaking to the majority of the people who enjoy their weekends more than their weekdays. The end goal here is to enjoy each day in your week so much, that you forget what day it is!
So why does it get easier as the week goes on? Simply put, your body adapts to anything it experiences, so in this case, after you get through a Monday, you’re mental muscles have been primed for the rest of the week. And since Monday is the most difficult day of the week, imagine if you lift 20 pound weights on Monday, on Tuesday it’s going to feel like 15 pounds because you’re already getting back in your flow for the week.
Just keeping this mindset will make everything easier. A simple way to think about it is “If I get through Monday, which is the hardest day of the week, I can get through anything this week”. A charging thought like this goes a long way and I encourage more thoughts like this.
In today’s episode, I want to share something with you that I got out of one of Dr. Joe Dispenza’s paid courses.
For those of you who don’t know Dr. Joe, he’s an icon in today’s world because he was able to recover from a near fatal injury when he got hit by a truck back in the 1980s, refused the advice to get surgery by 4 expert doctors, and proceeded to completely heal himself using his own mind.
Dispenza discovered that your thoughts DO in fact matter, so much that they can literally steer the course of your life. Your thoughts essentially decide whether you enjoy your life or not. They also decide whether you progress forward or not.
Dispenza poses a question to his audience and asks them if they believe that their thoughts shape their reality during the day. The majority of them raised their hand in agreement. He then asks them how many of them consciously planned out their day this morning. Almost no hands went up… This shows us that even though people are on board with the concept, they don’t really believe that it works. If they did, they would be up every morning, excited to use the power of their mind to plan their day.
So why don’t we believe this works then?
The simple answer is:
Our conditioning tells us that “magical” things such as this are not real and cannot happen. Only societal logic prevails and if we don’t do things the way everyone else is doing them, we will fail, or even worse, be labeled a looney toon by our societal network.
But what if the magic of using your mind to program your reality actually worked? In fact, Dispenza has proven this with over 30 years of watching client miracles happen, from people standing up out of wheelchairs, shrinking tumors with their mind, and overcoming the darkest depression and grief scenarios imaginable.
It’s important to note that although easy to tap into our animal instincts and just “go with the herd” by doing what everyone else is doing, we are not setting ourselves up for success.
Why is that?
A closer look at this group (the majority) will show that they are not living the lives they want, they do not have the things they want, and therefore do not feel fulfilled.
So why follow them them?
Our conditioning automatically tells us that it’s more comfortable to do what the majority is doing because our brain inherently believes that if most people are doing it, it must work.
After all, why would someone continue to do something that doesn’t work?
The answer is: familiarity
Once we realize this, we can jump out of this box and look at how much it was holding us back from our own creativity and exploration
Back to Dr. Joe’s proven miracle healing method.
I’m here to tell you that this kind of thinking and healing where you use your mind to shape your reality is no longer a pseudoscience, and there is enough evidence from Dr. Joe’s work and experience to prove that it actually works.
Feeling more inspired now?
I’m going to tell you exactly what Dr Dispenza’s morning routine is and how you can use the power of visualization this week to jumpstart your week!
Dr. Joe get’s up early every morning and reserves his morning for meditation. First he visualizes how he wants his day to go. He crafts examples of empowering thoughts that will lead to inspiration, productivity, and good feeling.
Then he sits down to meditate and here’s where it gets interesting.
He surrenders his mind completely and allows it to relax, because thinking is no longer required. Essentially, he already did all his thinking before he started the meditation to get it all out of the way. Then he just trusts the process and knows that his intention for strong, positive thoughts is out there and no more thinking is required.
He uses his meditation practice to clear his mind from chatter and irrelevant information so that there is room for new pathways to form.
And you can do this too, for as long as you want.
Even a short practice will have an effect on your day and momentum for the rest of the week.
I recommend 5-10 mins to start with.
Your homework for this week is to try this practice for 5-10 mins / day, starting today.
Your simple instructions?
Like Dr. Joe, do this practice in the morning. Start out by taking 5-10 mins to think about and visualize how you want your week to go.
What do you want to get done this week?
How do you visualize these things going? Can you see your self working diligently on these tasks with a light, high energy vibe?
The goal is to move towards what you need to get done, not away from it in resistance. If you greet your tasks with a friendly attitude, they will be that much less daunting, and may even become enjoyable.
Then, after your “thinking phase”, sit or lay down in a quiet place. Relaxing music is optional here and can be used to accompany this practice.
And here’s the hard part…
Close your eyes, breath, and focus on relaxing your mind and clearing it from chatter and thoughts.
Now, I fully expect you to have thoughts coming in at this point because it’s essentially near impossible to stop thinking completely.
However, what does matter is the power that you give to these thoughts. If thoughts come in and you simply breath, don’t acknowledge them, and just let them pass by, that is a form of clearing your mind.
You’re actually giving up the space that this thought is asking you for.
If you find this practice hard, you can choose to “control your thinking” in a way where you begin to visualize yourself conquering your weekly tasks with ease and a smile. Focus on how other’s will feel around you with your newfound relaxing energy and confidence. Visualize their reactions and allow that to make your week even better.
I’ll be doing this challenge as well and will speak briefly about my results next Monday and what I noticed.
I’d love to hear from you as well on what you’ve noticed and experienced while trying this!
Remember, this only requires 5-10 minutes of your time in the morning and most of us spend hours of extra time each day scrolling on our phones and zoning out.
So give yourself the gift of self-love this week and take a few minutes each morning to construct the very week you want to have. Visualize things going well in your mind and you’ll be amazed at how much better things turn out for you.
After all, science has already proven that our brain does not know the difference between an imaginary thought, and actual reality, so take advantage of this life hack and take your power back!
Have a wonderful week everyone, I’ll see you in next week’s episode with more knowledge from the experts on how to not only have a fulfilling week, but a fulfilling life as well.
I hope you enjoyed this FREE Episode!
If you’re unable to become a paid subscriber at this time, please consider supporting my work by buying me a coffee below! I do this pretty much full time and your support means the world!
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